There are lots of them but here’s a list of our top 10 web site design goofs – mistakes you can avoid. BTW, if your web site contains any of these road blocks, time to reconsider the design of your web site, and maybe even call in an expert in search engine optimization, conversion and ecommerce in general.
At the other end of the scale you have a form of web hosting called dedicated hosting. This is where an entire machine is at your disposal and only your website will be hosted on it. As you can probably expect, this isn’t the cheapest form of hosting! Costs for a dedicated server start from A�100 per month, but there is another way to get most of the advantages a dedicated server has to offer for a cheaper price. Virtualised dedicated servers give you similar advantages like a unique IP address, total control over your hosting and you being the only one on there. The virtualised part comes from the fact that the server has been split into multiple OSs (operating systems) each having server software run simultaneously on each one. Such servers must also have virtualisation technology enabled CPUs, otherwise virtualisation and VMware will not run. Clearly this is a good option for people and businesses who are anticipating rapid growth both in web traffic and web site content.
This give us more reason to try this investment.
As we know it, advertising is very crucial to selling. One may go for the television and print media yet it’s no secret that those forms of advertising are very expensive. Those types of market strategies to create brand and product awareness are not wrong. It is just not as effective as the current trend these days. Plus, since television and print media are so limited in time and space, you might find yourself taking so much time on telephone calls and answering repetitive questions and or giving replies via post services for your business. Wouldn’t it be great to have an opportunity to create a great promotional tool without the cost of printers and postage, but it doesn’t clutter up customers snail mailbox? I’m certain you’d love to have such an opportunity. How?
After that, in exchange to your no cost info, the visitor provides you with their name and e-mail address. Then the crazy stuff happens. It is possible to follow up with all of them routinely and give more value as well as get them to buy a product! The most popular CMS’s are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal If you want more flexibility, and the ability to expand your site in the future, choosing a CMS that fits your needs and skills is an important choice.
The advantages of this hosting package are:
As for marketing tools, there are plenty to choose from. For one, there is social media advertising, and then we have those using email marketing. We also have search engine marketing (which is a rather subtle art of promotion). But there is also another medium of communication, which rather raises the eyebrows of some people, and that is called telemarketing. This is something that comes as a surprise, since web hosting companies and professional telemarketing does not seem to be compatible to each other. But there is a good reason why calling prospects on the phone is a good investment.
You then try to upload your website and then your ordeal begins. You can’t get past the server connection. Your login and password don’t work. Your files don’t upload and you keep blinking in front of your monitor, till you get the message “server not found”. You scratch your head, try it once again and then again and then again. Nothing happens you then decide to call up your web hosting company. It doesn’t respond and when they do you can’t make head and tail of it. Finally you give up and look for another web server hosting company.
Search engine optimization is one of the vital elements in keeping a website alive. Also, make sure the host supports one-click install of WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. When moving to another web host you don’t have to wait for propagation period, after you have changed your name servers your new web host can give a temporary address which will enable you access your new website.